Mini Refresh Facial

Are you feeling like your skin needs a little attention, a little self care and relaxation but you are finding it hard to make the time for yourself? Then you may just find that our Mini Refresh Facial is just what you need.

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Plantar Fasciitis and Low Level Laser Therapy

There are many people experiencing and presenting with Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar Fasciitis is where you experience pain in and around the heel of the foot. The Plantar Fascia attaches at the heel bone and runs along the arch of the foot to under the toes. You can feel it by flexing your toes and running your hand along the arch of your foot. Inflammation of the Plantar Fascia causes pain.

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Diabetic Ulcer, Sores, Wounds and Low Level Laser Therapy

There are many people suffering with diabetes. Some people with diabetes experience sores, wounds and ulcers. Ulcers can be open sores where the skin doesn’t heal like it should. If you suffer with diabetic wounds, Low Level Laser Therapy might be worth considering as part of your wound healing management plan.

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Arthritis, Joint Pain and Low Level Laser Therapy

There are many people suffering with various types of arthritis. It can cause inflammation of the joints, swelling, stiffness, tenderness, joint pain. It can be very debilitating.

Low Level Laser Therapy can be used as a supportive therapy that may help manage symptoms along side your treatment plan, if you suffer with arthritis and joint pain.

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Relieve the stress and tension in your back with Low Level Laser Therapy

Relieve the stress and tension in your back with our Low Level Laser Relaxation treatment.

Focusing on the back, our Low Level Laser Relaxation Treatment may:

Reduce tension, muscle soreness and pain, improve relaxation, improve mobility and functionality, assist the body to activate its own healing ability, gentle and no pain.

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Thinking about Dermal Fillers and Injectables? An alternative.

Have you been thinking about having dermal fillers and injectables but have been a little unsure? There are many different types of treatments you can choose from to achieve a more youthful appearance. For some, dermal fillers and injectables have been the go to option.

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Do you have Unwanted Hair ? Electrolysis is a progressively permanent form of hair removal

Do you suffer with unwanted hair on facial areas or certain parts of the body? You are not alone. From puberty through to menopause and beyond, a large percentage of women have unwanted hair. Certain phases of life may contribute to this unwanted hair growth due to the changes happening in the body.

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Skin Pigmentation- Do you suffer with dark spots on your hands?

Most of us have all had some form of pigmented lesion on our face or bodies. The pigmented lesion can vary in look depending on the type and some people suffer with more pronounced pigmented lesions and more of them than others. Pigmented skin lesions can be freckles, age spots, actinic keratosis, hyper-pigmentation, liver spots and pigmented nevi

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Vascular Lesions- Suffering with Rosacea?

Vascular lesions occur when the capillaries in your skin become dilated. They can have an appearance of red spots, threads or sometimes port wine stains.

There are many different types of vascular lesions including Rosacea, Telangiectasia, Spider Angioma, Port Wine stains….

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Telomeres and Anti Ageing

There has been much research and discovery surrounding health and anti ageing with studies looking at how our Telomeres can either increase or decrease longevity, health and ageing within our body. What exactly are Telomeres you ask?

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The Skin has a Microbiome?

Microbiome you say, instantly your thinking of the gut right? Why because that is all we seem to hear about lately on the topic. But what if the microbiome can extend to the skin and that your skin has its own microbiome? Fascinating huh!

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Retinal is not Retinol and the difference...

With many serums and products promising results and technical words advertised it can get a little confusing when choosing products that will be effective for you individually and give you the results you want. You have most likely heard of Retinol. There is also another word with slightly different spelling, that is Retinal. And no they are not the same thing.

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Photomedicine and Low Level Laser Therapy

Did you know Low Level Laser Therapy has been used as treatment since the 1960’s. In 1967 Endre Mester who was working at Semmelweis University in Budapest noticed that by using the Helium Neon (HeNe) Laser which was developed in 1961, that he could stimulate wound healing in mice.

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Your in Great Hands with Gernetic Skin Care

Gernetic is one of our brands we work with and have done so for many years. The skin care range works beautifully with our skin treatments, facials, laser treatments and home care. It is a gentle range with a powerful effect based on cellular nutrition.

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Why we use the Dual Yellow Laser

Clinical Studies A practical comparison of IPLs and the Copper Bromide Laser for photo-rejuvenation, acne and the treatment of vascular & pigmented lesions Peter Davis, Adelaide, Australia, Godfrey Town, Laser protection adviser, Haywards Heath, United Kingdom

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