Posts tagged Pain and inflammation Gisborne
Plantar Fasciitis and Low Level Laser Therapy

There are many people experiencing and presenting with Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar Fasciitis is where you experience pain in and around the heel of the foot. The Plantar Fascia attaches at the heel bone and runs along the arch of the foot to under the toes. You can feel it by flexing your toes and running your hand along the arch of your foot. Inflammation of the Plantar Fascia causes pain.

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Photomedicine and Low Level Laser Therapy

Did you know Low Level Laser Therapy has been used as treatment since the 1960’s. In 1967 Endre Mester who was working at Semmelweis University in Budapest noticed that by using the Helium Neon (HeNe) Laser which was developed in 1961, that he could stimulate wound healing in mice.

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