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Low Level Laser Therapy LLLT LILT

An initial consultation is required for Low Level Laser Therapy. Please phone to make your appointment.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Surgical Trauma and Wounds including burns

As it aims to decrease pain ,and inflammation of affected area, may initiate healing and increase regeneration and repair of cells, may decrease swelling/oedema, may repair tissue, may speed up the body’s healing process. Low Level Laser Therapy maybe of help with all post operative healing, soft tissue injury, diabetic ulcers and wounds.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Joint Pain and Inflammation

As it aims to decrease pain naturally, may improve range of movement and may help manage joint swelling and reduce inflammation. Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Scarring

As it may influence collagen formation to assist in producing a flatter more tensile scar. Our laser therapy may assist in remodelling the over deposition of collagen, e.g keloid and hypotrophic scars. It may initiate collagen deposition in depressed scars, stretch marks, or acne pitting, as a result of damage to the elastin and collagen fibres within the Dermis.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Plantar Fasciitis

As it aims to decrease pain naturally. It may help reduce the inflammation, provide pain relief and improve the range of motion.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Acne

As it aims to decrease inflammation, it may initiate healing and increase regeneration of the skin cells, repair tissue and help with scarring by influencing the collagen formation.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Derma Treatments

-for gentle skin rejuvenation and in combination with our Ylite Laser Skin Treatments.

Low Level Laser Therapy may help with Relaxation

As it may relieve muscle and joint pain, muscle and joint stiffness, may help with muscle and body relaxation, may increase blood flow and assist the body to activate its own healing ability, may improve functionality and mobility. Our Low Level Laser Relaxation Treatment will have you feeling relaxed.

Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT, LILT) may help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes by optimising repair and helping to restore normal cellular function. It may help as it offers various wave lengths that are able to reach all tissue levels.

Three Key Effects have been shown and identified with Low Level Laser Therapy. These are:

  1. Healing Growth Factor Response Through:

  • Increased ATP and protein synthesis

  • Improved cell proliferation

  • Change in cell membrane permeability to calcium up-take

2. Pain relief through:

  • Increased endorphin release

  • Increased serotonin

  • Suppression of nociceptor action

3. Immune system support through:

  • Increasing levels of lymphocyte activity

  • Photomodulation of blood

    Our Low Level Lasers are medical grade lasers, TGA approved and are a low intensity light therapy. By applying light within a certain wavelength, the light has an ability to penetrate the skin and soft/hard tissues. It has a photochemical effect, meaning the effect is caused by the chemical action of light. The light may trigger the biochemical changes within the cells similar to the process of photosynthesis in plants. The photons of the light are within the mitochondria of the cell. Thus helping to relieve pain, inflammation and promote healing.

Low Level Laser Therapy May

  • Speed up repair processes

  • Increase natural recovery powers of the injured tissues, supporting with natural light

  • Enhance auto-analgesic reactions within the body

By speeding up the body’s healing process Scars, Bruises, Wounds, Burns or Injury from Surgery or Trauma may heal faster and better. By repairing the tissue there maybe significant relief from pain and inflammation.

Low Level Laser Therapy is safe, gentle, effective and result driven, often long lasting. In summary, the benefits of Low Level Laser Therapy include:

  • Pain relief

  • Reducing inflammation

  • Reducing swelling

  • Improved blood circulation

  • Boosts the immune system

  • Increased joint flexibility

  • Speeds up wound healing

  • Speeds up recovery time post injury/surgery

  • Relaxation

  • Stress and Tension relief

  • Natural

  • Safe

  • Non-invasive

  • Drug free pain relief, a great integrative support therapy

  • Requires no down time post treatment

  • Complementary to other treatment methods

    The benefits of using Low Level Laser Therapy as part of an integrative approach to maintaining health and wellness cannot be over emphasised.

    Treatments with Low Level Laser Therapy

    Depending on the condition to be treated, each appointment will take between 15 and 60 minutes. Low Level Laser Therapy can offer quick results for acute conditions. Low Level Laser Therapy can be had as a single treatment or for more chronic conditions a series of treatments maybe needed 1-3 times per week for the first 2-3 weeks and then generally we find time between visits will increase as the Low Level Laser Therapy has a cumulative effect. The client will feel no pain from the use of Low Level Laser Therapy during treatment, however many experience a very relaxed feeling. Clients respond quickly when treating soft tissue conditions and pain, with results usually evident in the first 1-2 treatments. Other conditions vary.

Read more on how Low Level Laser Therapy works