Microdermabrasion Skin Treatments
Refresh your skin with a Microdermbrasion Skin Treatment.
May help target Sun damaged skin, enlarged pores, uneven pigmentation, blackheads and comedones, fine lines, superficial scars, stretch marks.
Microdermabrasion limited offer…
Inclusive of skin enhancement infusions to meet your individual skin concerns.
Usual Price $130 Special offer $115
Have a Microdermabrasion treatment at usual price of $130 and receive a complimentary Dermalase Laser Lift Treatment valued at $75.
Make your appointment now.
We combine microdermabrasion with Photo Biostimulation to fight the aging process by:
May help with exfoliating upper layers of the epidermis
May help smoothe away pigmentation and minor scars
May help with refining skin texture
May help with activating cell renewal
May help with the increase of collagen production by providing an environment that helps the body activate it’s own healing and regenerative abilities.
May help to reduce expression lines and smoothe wrinkles
May help to restore elasticity
The improvement can be quite dramatic, most clients may see an immediate improvement. With a series of treatments, years maybe easily removed from the appearance of the skin.
Microdermabrasion may help with achieving
Younger looking skin
Reduction in fine lines and wrinkles
Increased skin elasticity
Improved textural irregularities
*Results may vary from person to person.
Relieve stress and tension in your back with our Low Level Laser Relaxation Treatment.